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Frequently asked questions

In preparation for your trip you will likely have questions. Much information is available on many different websites. That is why we will only discuss the necessary information: visas, vaccinations and money. We have also included useful links and information about useful apps.

If you have additional questions that we have not addressed please feel free to e-mail us or send us a WhatsApp. Our goal is for you to have a wonderful time in Tanzania.

Nuacas is small and we choose to stay that way; that allows us the flexibility to provide you with a personal and adventure-filled trip.

Do I need a visa?

Yes, visas can be purchased upon arrival at a Tanzanian airport. Visas must be paid in cash with American dollars. They cost $50. The bills must be minted after 2001. You can also arrange a visa prior to your trip through the Tanian embassy in your country or a visa service.


What health precautions do I need to take?

Check, or a similar authority in your country to see what vaccinations are required and recommended for a visit to Tanzania. Talk to your health-care provider about anti-malaria medication as well.

Bandages and first aid

We recommend that you bring a small travel first aid kit with you. You may not even need it since most things are now available here as well. You can find tips here:

What do I need to arrange as far as money and paying for things during my trip?

Prior to departure check with your bank to make sure you have a bank or credit card that will allow you to make withdrawals from an ATM in Tanzania and, if necessary, advise your bank when you will be in Tanzania.

The difference between the Euro or Dollar and the Tanzanian Shilling is very large. A typical salary for a days-work is 10.000TSh which is about $4. 

The following app can be quite helpful:

An international flight can take you to Mwanza, with a stop in Dar es Salaam or Nairobi. Upon your arrival in Mwanza Nuacas will greet you at the airport and bring you to Sengrema.

Contact us

Igogo B, Sengerema (TZ)
Bartlehiem 59, Wyns (NL)

+ 255 768 637 762 (TZ)
+ 31 623 747 767 (NL)

Enjoy Tanzania from within

We all know Africa from stories about nature and safaris. While these aspects of Africa are beautiful and worth visiting, there is another side. Come and join us in enjoying Africa from within; meet its people, culture, food and customs...

Contact us

Igogo B, Sengerema (TZ)
Bartlehiem 53, Wyns (NL)
+255 763 779 544 (TZ)
+31 623 747 767 (NL)

Stay in touch

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